Management Development

Management Development

Creating a highly talented and cohesive Management Team underpins business competitiveness and the ability to succeed in an ever-changing marketplace.

CMD Group is committed to supporting your business through developing and delivering bespoke Management programmes for your team. We create specific programmes for you following an initial assessment of your business goals and skill gaps. We access our suite of high impact development courses from our online learning platform and ITOL accredited training  to create the relevant programme for your needs and goals. Development is further enhanced with CMD Group’s Executive Coaching, based on researched and proven methods through Harrison International Assessments. This powerful combination approach along with our years of experience in Business makes us the ideal partner for you. 

Unique Approach

The unique aspect of working with CMD Group is how we recognise that different personal traits and characteristics can either help or hinder a person's effectiveness. As such we use data driven  Harrison Assesment's  SmartQuestionnaire to provide a deep dive into the behaviours that make leaders successful.

1-1 Coaching

We can then accurately determine whether a person's strong behavioural traits are genuine strengths or costly derailers. A crucial consideration most traditional assessments fail to make. Whether you are training emerging or senior Managers, this essential understanding of behaviours can make or break the organisation.

Blended Learning

We further support development through our extensive course content, using an in-person and online learning format. We provide on site training when required, and facilitate workshops and team building. CMD Group also uses analytics to assess team dynamics for productivity - bringing awareness and supporting development.

So, contact us for a no obligation discussion on how we at CMD Group, can help your business to grow and thrive through Management Development.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)