Today marks a significant milestone for CMD Group as we celebrate 30 years in business.  “From little acorns, mighty oaks grow” and when Chris McDonagh, Managing Partner, set out on this journey 30 yrs ago, he had a vision and a dream to fulfil. It has been an incredible journey filled with challenges, successes, and countless learning opportunities. We are grateful for all the support, guidance, and partnerships that have helped us reach this important milestone. Success isn’t achieved by a management team alone but by the contributions, efforts and loyalty of so many employees, past and present. We would like to thank all of you for being part of this incredible journey – ‘together we make a Difference’

It has been an incredible journey filled with challenges, successes, and countless learning opportunities. We are grateful for all the support, guidance, and partnerships that have helped us reach this important milestone. Success isn’t achieved by a management team alone but by the contributions, efforts and loyalty of so many employees, past and present. We would like to thank all of you for being part of this incredible journey – ‘together we make a difference’.

Over the past three decades, we have had the privilege of working with some amazing clients, colleagues, and mentors who have shaped our business and contributed to our growth. We are proud of the work that we have accomplished together and the impact we have made in our respective industries.

We would like to thank all our clients, individuals and companies, for supporting us and trusting us to help you and your teams to develop professionally – it has been, and continues to be our pleasure!

Brenda Crowley, Managing Partner of 15yrs, confirms there is no greater work satisfaction than witnessing personal and professional growth, mindset shifts and confident progress. This is what our company is all about. As we reflect on the past 30 years, we are reminded of the importance of perseverance, dedication, and continuous learning. We look forward to the next chapter and the countless opportunities that lie ahead for us  

Here’s to the next 30? Who knows? At CMD Group we never say never! 😉

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey with us. We value each and every one of you. 👏

If you or your team would like to be part of our next chapter why not drop us a line, or come and have a coffee and let’s keep collaborating.



Contact us for information on improving your Leadership Communication

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)