Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement 

Employee engagement is essential for your business to succeed. As a business owner or HR Manager, engaging employees is directly linked to productivity and profit. Engaged employees are those that go the extra, that display discretionary effort and initiative – the staff that you want to retain and develop.  Understanding what specifically motivates a staff member is essential so that you can retain your key staff.

Employee Engagement and retention is a subject that we at CMD Group have passion for and experience in. As such, we are authorized Solution Partners for Harrison Assessments and use our expertise to provide our clients with a structured and proven method of understanding the process.

“Engaged employees are those that go the extra, that display discretionary effort. Those that are interested in the organisation and the results.” – CMD Group

Where to Start?

At CMD Group we start at the beginning, with the employee. We use Harrison Assessments intelligent Smart Questionnaire to assess an individual’s key driving factors when it comes to expectations within a role. We focus on eight categories and look at how important those expectations are for that employee.

When most, or all, of the important expectations are being met, or a development plan is devised in that area, then you have an engaged and motivated employee . Our Employee Engagement & Retention report provides a starting point for development and clarity around goals for the benefit of motivating, improving and retaining your staff.

This cuts down on trying lots of different approaches and hoping that all staff will engage. This provides a specific and structured framework, tailored to each individual staff member. Not everyone is motivated by the same factors.

For example, one person may be driven by the possibility of promotion, while another is very content in their current position – but would like some flexibility around working hours!

We assess the individual’s specific expectations to find the factors relevant to them. To further this we also look at their fulfilment score, which allows us to ascertain the levels that they feel this need is being fulfilled presently. Because of the in-depth information, we also look at the development required to ensure positive fulfilment results.

Employee Engagement is a 2 Way Street!

We will debrief both the employee and you, the employer or HR Manager, on the factors that apply specifically for that individual. Then, look at the areas that require development from both sides. While the employer may need to provide opportunities or bring about change, the employee will also need to work on areas to meet those needs.

This is also a useful tool for creating annual development plans for staff.


Employee Engagement – Team Approach

At CMD Group we will assess your team(s), collate a feedback that allows you to plan and develop a cohesive plan, depending on each individual’s expectations and skills. Allowing you the clarity of information to see the best development plan going forward for the team.

Contact us today to have a no obligation conversation around Employee Engagement for your Business

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