Acquire, Lead, Engage & Develop Talent

Talent Management Solutions

CMD Group - Talent Management Solutions

We have partnered with Harrison Assessments to bring you a comprehensive and predictive suite of Talent Management Solutions. Through the use of a single 25 minute online SmartQuestionnaire we align people’s qualifications, wants, needs, passions and goals to the requirements of the organisation and specific jobs. This innovative approach exceeds general personality testing and other methods. CMD Group with Harrison Assessments provides you with an unrivalled talent strategy and solution that will enable you to attract, retain and develop employees at all levels. We can also identify the mutual needs of employers and employees to ensure engagement and results.

CMD Group will partner with you at every stage in the process to ensure you achieve maximum results.

Click here to learn more about CMD Group.

What we can help you do better.....

Acquire Talent

Automate your selection process and use predictive data and interview guides to direct your hiring decisions.

Develop Talent

Identify critical engagement & retention factors and target develop plans across individuals, team and organisational culture.

Lead Talent

Ensure your leadership team has the skills to execute your organisational strategy and maximize the performance of your people.

Engage Talent

Understand whether key engagement expectations are being met and what action you need to take at both an individual and group level.

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How it Works

We arrange a consultation to see what are your specific needs. We then apply the relevant elements of Harrison’s award-winning, cloud-based technology to your business needs. This framework provides secure, job specific predictive analytics that enhance experience for both you and employee. Our assessment science and technology saves you time and money, while enabling you to hire the best candidates, develop their skills and target increased business development .

Established in 1990, Harrison Assesment Technology is available in

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People assessed


For over 30 years organisations have been using this unique technology to understand their people and improve the performance of their business. View our video testimonials, case studies and white papers to learn more about the challenges faced and how they were overcome.
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CMD Group Logo

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)